Sunday, 9 October 2011

Visit to Taif

When MUHAMMAD S.A.W persisted in his preaching, the people of Taif drove him out of their city pelting stones at him. In this desperate situation he prayed to God thus:

"O Allah! I make my complaint unto You regarding the feebleness of my strength, the insignificance of my devices, and my humiliation in the sight of people. O You, the Most Merciful One! You are the Lord of the oppressed, You are my Lord. To whom would You entrust my affairs? To a stranger who would scowl at me? Or to an enemy who would control me? If you are not displeased with me, then I do not care (about any hardship), but an ease bestowed by You will be more accommodating to me. I seek refuge in the light of Your countenance (by which all darkness is dispersed and all affairs of this world and the hereafter are kept straight) from pouncing of Your anger or the coming of Your wrath. I seek your pardon in order that you may be pleased with me. There is no power nor strength except in You"

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Dialogue between a traveller and Prophet (SAW)

A traveler once came to the mosque to see Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). After greeting Prophet Mohammad (pbuh), he was asked where he was from. The traveler replied that he came from very far just to get a few questions answered. Following is the dialogue between the traveler and Prophet Mohammad (pbuh).
Traveler: I do not want punishment (Azaab) to be written in my account.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Behave well with your parents.
Traveler: I want to be known amongst people as an intelligent person.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Fear Allah (SWT) always.
Traveler: I want to be counted amongst Allah’s (SWT) favorites.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Recite Noble Qur’an every morning and evening.
Traveler: I want my heart to always be enlightened (Roshan and Munawar).
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Never forget death.
Traveler: I never want to be away from Allah’s (SWT) blessing.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Always treat fellow creatures well.
Traveler: I never want to be harmed by my enemies.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Always have faith in Allah (SWT) only.
Traveler: I never want to be humiliated.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Be careful of your actions.
Traveler: I wish to live long.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Always do good towards blood relations (Sile Rahm).
Traveler: I want my sustenance to increase.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Always be in ablution (Wudu).
Traveler: I wish to stay free of punishment (Azaab) in the grave.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Always wear pure (Paak) clothes.
Traveler: I never want to burn in hell.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Control your eyes and tongue.
Traveler: how do I get my sins forgiven?
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Always ask forgiveness from Allah (SWT) with a lot of humility.
Traveler: I want people to respect me always.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Never extend your hands of need at people.
Traveler: I want to always be honored.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Never humiliate or put down anyone.
Traveler: I don’t want to be squeezed in the grave (Fishar-e-Qabr).
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Recite Sura-e-Mulk often.
Traveler: I want my wealth to increase.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Recite Sura-e-Waqia every night.
Traveler: I want to be safe and at peace on Day of Judgment.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Do remembrance (Zikr) of Allah (SWT) from dusk to night.
Traveler: I want to be in full attention and concentration during prayer (Namaaz).
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): Always do ablution (Wudu) with concentration and attention.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Mirical of MUHAMMAD (S.A.W)

"The Hour has drawn near, and the moon has been cleft asunder" [Qur'an 54:1]

Volume 6, Book 60, Number 388: Narrated Abdullah:
The moon was cleft asunder while we were in the company of the Prophet, and it became two parts. The Prophet said, Witness, witness (this miracle)."

Sunday, 2 October 2011

A Review of Prophet (S.A.W) Life

This is the short review on the life of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) as his life is a right way and path for all of us and it cant be revied in but this is just a little introduction to his life  

Name: Ahmad, Mahmoud, Taha, Yasin, Mostafa, Mohammad

 Title: Shafi’ Al-Mozanebin, Khatam Al-Nabiyan, Rahmat Lelalemin, Habeeb AllahSaturday

Epithet: Abu Al-Gassem, Abu Ibraheem

Father’s Name: Abdullah Ibn Abd Al-Muttalib(Pbuh)

 Mother’s Name: Aminah Bint Wahab (Pbuh)

 Foster Mothers: Nobiyeh, and Halimeh S'diyeh

Birth Date: Friday, 17th of Rabea Al Awwal, “The Elephant Year”

 Birth Place: Holy Mecca

 His Age: 62 years, 11 months, 11 days

 Years of Prophethood: 22 years, 7 months, 1 day

 His Burial Place: Holy Al-Medina

 His Sons: Tayeb, Taher, Qassem, Ibraheem

His Daughters: Zaynab, Ruqayah, Ummkalthoum, Fatimah Zahra(Pbuh)

His Companions: 407

 His Famous Companions: Salman, Abouzar, Maqdad

His Wars: 76

His Perpetual Miracle: Holy Quran

Special Pilgrimage Day: 

Hazrat-e Mohammad(Pbuh) is the last Prophet of God who brought a book and a set of laws and Muslems believe in his religion, Islam. Hazrat-e Mohammad(Pbuh) was born among Bani Hashim family of Quraysh which was known as the dearest Arab family, 53 years before Hegira, in Mecca. His father’s name was Abdullah and his mother’s Aminah. He lost his father and mother in early childhood and his grandfather Abd Al-Muttalib took complete charge of him. Two years after the death of his mother, the orphan was bereaved once again, this time of his grandfather. When he was dying, Abd Al-Muttlib ceded guardianship of his grandson to his son Abu Taleb. Mohammad’s uncle, Abu Taleb, offered the same warm affection and kindness to his nephew Mohammad and protected him from his enemies of Quraysh. His wife, Fatimah Bint Assad, tried to be as kind as a boy’s mother to him.

His uncle took him sometimes with him on his travels and on one occasion when Mohammad was about twelve, they went along with a trade caravan as far as Syria.

Mohammad had passed his twentieth year, and as time went on he received more and more invitations to join travels abroad. Finally the day came when he was asked to take charge of the goods of a merchant who was unable to travel. One of the richest merchants of Mecca was a woman. Her name was Khadeejah, the daughter of Khuwaylid. Now Mohammad had became known throughout Mecca as Al-Ameen, meaning, the reliable, the trustworthy, or the honest. This issue was initially because of the reports of those who had entrusted their merchandise to him on various occasions.

Khadeejah had also heard much good of Mohammad from her family sources. One day she asked him to take some of her merchandise to Syria. Mohammad accepted and set off with Khadeejah’s goods for the north.

Mohammad’s talent made that travel a very successful one. The lady proposed to marry the 25-year-old Mohammad.

She bore him 8 children, 4 sons and 4 daughters. Their eldest child was a son named Qassem, but the boy died before his second birthday. The next child was a daughter whom they named Zaynab, and she was followed by three other daughters, Ruqayah, Ummkalthoum, and the Holy Lady Fatimah(Pbuh).

Mohammad(Pbuh) used to go for spiritual retreats to a secluded cave on top of Mount Hira', not far from the outskirts of Mecca. He took with him provisions. There he prayed for a certain number of nights to God. He was ordained to Prophecy when he was 40 years old and there, the first Quranic Sura was descended to him. The religion was now established on the basis of the ritual purification and prayer. Prophet’s faithful wife Khadeejah and his cousin Ali Ibn Abe Taleb at the age of only ten, were both the first to embrace Islam.

Prophet (Pbuh) was faced with a painful reaction from people, so he decided to call his relatives to Islam, in secret. But there was no end to this invitation. Thus the Prophet revealed his invitation, an issue which caused so many hard and painful tortures by Mecca citizens to the Prophet and new converts. Some groups of the Moslems left their homeland and immigrated to Ethiopia. Prophet(Pbuh) took refugee in Abu Taleb She'b (Abu Taleb Mountain-pass) in a very hard situation. No one did business and associate with them and they were not able to come out of there. Mecca idolaters used all kinds of pressure, tortures, offenses and mockery on him. Sometimes they tried to dissuade him, by promising wealth, and leadership but none of them were able to influence his endeavor and decision.

His dear uncle, Abu Taleb, and his faithful wife passed away around 10 years of his ordainment.
There was no other shelter for him. So he took a secret decision to immigrate to Yasreb (ancient name of Medina). Hazrat-e Ali (Pbuh) slept on Prophet’s bed, and Prophet passed through enemies lines by God’s support and abided in a cave near Mecca. He went towards Yasreb after three days.
Yasreb people, who had believed in his teachings before, accepted him warmly and served him with their life and properties.

The Hazrat established a small Islamic society in Yasreb City. He struck some treaties with the Jews and powerful Arab tribes. There he disseminated the teachings. So, Yasreb was famed as Medina Al-Rasoul City.

Islam was developed daily and the Moslems who were under pressure of Quraysh’s oppression, left their homeland and immigrated to Medina in order to help the Prophet. They were called Emigrants as Prophet’s Yasrebian companions were famed as Ansar (Helpers).
Islam was developing so encompassingly but Quraysh and the Jewish tribes of Hijaz didn’t lift their sanctions. They caused new disasters for Moslems by the help of the hypocrite elements who were among Moslems. Finally, there took place so many wars, among Islam, Arab and Jews. Prophet (Pbuh) attended all the big wars like Badr, Ohod, Khandaq and Kheybar, personally. Imam Ali (Pbuh) was the main reason of all the victories.

Islam expanded throughout the Saudi Arabia Peninsula, thanks to the Prophet’s activity and Emigrants’ and Ansar’s self-sacrifices. Invitational letters were written to the kings of the other countries like Iran, Rome, Egypt and Ethiopia.

The Prophet lived among the poor. Never did he spend his time uselessly but he divided his life into 3 parts: One part belonged to God and prayer, the other part to himself, his family and the household. The third part belonged to people; Prophet (Pbuh) diffused and taught Islamic knowledge, governed Islamic society’s affairs, removed the Moslem’s needs and improved internal and external relations.
That Hazrat was poisoned by a Jewish woman and died after some days.

His last advice was about slaves and women.

ALLAH honoring HOLY PROPHET S.A.W with his own names

Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’aala) has bestowed the Holy Prophet (Sallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) with at least thirty of His names.

1: One of his names is Al-Hamid (The Praiseworthy). This means the One who is praised because He (Subhaanahu wa ta’aala) praises himself and His (Subhaanahu wa ta’aala) slaves praise him.
The Holy Prophet (Sallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) is called Muhammad and Ahmad. Muhammad means praised, and is how his name occurs in the Zabur of Daud (‘Alayhis salaam).
Ahmad means greatest of those who give praise and the most sublime of those who are praised.

Hasan ibn Thabit (Radiyallahu Anhu) said:

It is taken from him His own name in order to exhalt him.

The One with the Throne is praised (Mahmud) and he is Muhammad

2:Two of Allah’s names are the Compassionate, the Merciful (ar-Ra’uf, ar- Raheem). He calls them in the Holy Qur’an when He says “Compassionate, Merciful to the believers”

Among His names is the Clear Truth (al-Haqq al-Mubin). The Truth (al-Haqq) means that which exists and is indisputably real. Similarly the Clear (al-Mubin) is the One whose Divinity is clear.
Allah says in the Holy Qur’an:
“Until the Truth comes to you and a Clear Messenger”
“Say: I am the Clear warner” (15:89)
“The Truth has come to you from your Lord” (4:170)

3:Another of Allah’s names is the Light (an-Nur). It means possessor of light, i.e.: its Creator or the Illuminator of the heavens and the earth with lights, and the One who illuminates the hearts of the believers with guidance.

Allah says in the Holy Qur’an:
“A light and a clear book has come to you from Allah” (5:15)

It is said that this refers to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam). It is also said that this refers to the Qur’an. Allah also calls him (Sallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) “a luminous lamp” (33:46). He called him the to make his (Sallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) position clear, to clarify his prophet hood and to illumine the hearts of the believers and the Gnostics by what he had brought.

 4:Another of His names is the Witness (ash-Shahid). Its meaning is the One who Knows. It is said that He is the Witness on the Day of Rising. He calls the Holy Prophet (Sallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) a witness when He says, “We sent you as a witness” (33:46), and “The Messenger is a witness over you” (2:143)

5:One of His names is the Generous/Noble (al-Kareem). It means the One with Much Good. It is also said to mean the Overflower. It means the Forgiving. It also means High. In the hadith related about his (Sallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) names, we find, “He is the most generous” and Allah says in the Holy Qur’an: “It is the word of the Noble Messenger” (81:19)

6:Among His names is the Mighty (al-Adhim). It means the One whose nature is Majestic. Everything is under Him. Allah says: “You are on a Mighty form” (68:4).
Isma’il (Alayhis salaam) quoted from the Torah that “A Mighty one will be born for a Mighty community and he is Mighty with a Mighty character”.

7:   One of His names is the Compeller (al-Jabbar). It means the One who puts things Right. It is also said to mean the Conqueror. It also means the One with a Mighty Affair. It also means Proud.
The Holy Prophet (Sallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) was was mentioned as follows in the Book of Da’ud (Alayhis salaam): “O Jabbar, gird your sword! Your law and your shari’a are accompanied by the awe of your right hand.”

8:Another of Allah’s names is the Aware (al-Khabir). It means the One who is acquainted with the essence of a thing and knows what its reality is. It is said that it means the One who informs. Allah says, “The Merciful, ask one aware about Him.” (25:59)
The Holy Prophet (Sallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) is “aware” as mentioned in the above ayat according to Qadi Bakr ibn al-‘Ala’. It is said that the Holy Prophet (Sallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) is called “aware” because what he knows is at the limit of the knowledge of what Allah has taught him about His hidden knowledge and immense gnosis. Allah is informing his community about the permission given to the Holy Prophet (Sallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) to teach.

9:One of His names is the Opener (al-Fattah). It means the One who judges between His slaves, or the Opener of the doors of provision, mercy and of those aspects of their affairs which are shut off from them, or the Opener of their hearts and eyes by gnosis of the Truth.
It can also mean the Helper as in His words, “If you are seeking victory, victory has come to you,” (8:19). It is said it means the one who initiates opening and victory.
The Holy Prophet (Sallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) said, “He elevated my mention for me and made me and opener and a seal.”
The Holy Prophet (Sallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) said, “I was the first of the Prophets to be created and the last of them to be sent.”

10:One of His names is the Thankful (ash-Shakur). It means the One who rewards for little action. It is also said that it means the One who praises those who obey.

11:One of Allah’s names is the Knower (al-‘Alim), the Knowing (al-Allam), the knower of the Unseen and the Visible. He described His Prophet (Sallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as having knowledge and bestowed it on him as a virtue for him from Him.
Allah says: “He taught you what you did not know, and the bounty of Allah to you was immense” (4:113).
Allah says: “He will teach you what you do not know.” (2:151).

12:Allah’s names include the First (al-Awwal) and the Last (al-Aakhir). This means what precedes things before their existence and what remains after they have disappeared. To be exact, Allah, in Himself, does not have a first or a last. The Holy Prophet (Sallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) said, “I was the first of the Prophets to be created and the last one to be sent”. The Holy Prophet (Sallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) said, “I am the first for whom the earth will open up, the first to enter the Garden, the first intercessor and the first whose intercession will be accepted.”
He (Sallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) was the Seal of the Messengers.

13:One of Allah’s names is the Strong (al-Qawi), the One with Strength, and the Firm. It means the Powerful. Allah describes the Holy Prophet (Sallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) saying, “Endued with power, with the One with the Throne, secure”(81:20).

14:One of His names is the Truthful (as-Sadiq), and there are many ahadith that one of the Holy Prophet’s (Sallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) name was the Truthful.

15:Allah’s names include the Guardian (al-Wali) and the Master (al-Mawla). They mean the Helper.
Allah says, “Your Guardian is Allah and His Messenger” (5:55).
The Holy Prophet (Sallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) said, “I am the guardian of every Believer”. It has been narrated in Al-Bukhari.
Allah says: “The Messenger is more entitled (‘Afw) to the believers” (33:6)
The Holy Prophet (Sallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) said: “As for the one whose master I am, he has an Exalted Master”.

16:One of His names is the Pardoning (al-‘Afw). It means the one who overlooks. Allah describes the Holy Prophet (Sallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in the Qur’an and the Torah and He commands him to pardon. Allah says, “Take Pardon” (7:199). He also says, “pardon them and overlook”(5:13).

17: One of His names is the Guide (al-Haadi). It means that Allah gives success to whomever He wants among His slaves. It means to indicate the way and to call them to it.

18:Allah’s names include the Guardian of Faith (al-Mu’min), the Protector (al-Muhaymin). It is said that they have the same meaning. Muhaymin is said to mean the Trustworthy (Amin). It is the word used at the end of supplications, Amin, is one of the names of Allah and that it means Mu’min. Muhaymin also means the Witness and the Protector.
The Holy Prophet (Sallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) is called Amin (Trustworthy) when Allah says: “Obeyed, then trusty” (81:21).
The Holy Prophet (Sallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) was called al-Amin, the Trustworthy. In his poem, al-‘Abbas called him the “protector” when he said:
Then your protecting house contained loftiness
From Khindif under which there are mountains

19: One of Allah’s names is the Pure (al-Quddus). It means the One disconnected from imperfections and pure of traces of in-timeness. It is said the Bayt al-Muqqadis is called so because in it the Holy Prophet (Sallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) was purified from wrong actions.
Allah says: “He will bring you out of the darkness into the light” (5:16). This can mean purified of blameworthy qualities and base attributes.

20: One of His names is the Mighty (al-‘Aziz). It means the difficult of access, victor, or the one who has no like or the self-exalted. Allah says: “Might belongs to Allah and His Messenger” (63:8), i.e. by inapproachability and majestic value.

Allah describes Himself as bringing good news and warning. He says: “Their Lord will give them good news of a mercy from Him and satisfaction” (9:21).

21: According to one of the commentaries, Allah’s names also include Taha and Yasin. Commentators have also mentioned that they are also among the names of the Holy Prophet, Muhammad (Sallahu ‘Alaihi wa’ala Aalihi wa Sahbihi Wasallam Ajma’een).

There are basiclly 99 names of Holy PROPHET HAZRAT MUHAMMAD (S.A.W) as shown in video below :